Let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.
The ½ûÂþÌìÌà strives to be an institution that consistently puts faith into action. Our faith is demonstrated through humble service to our local community and the Appalachian region. Just as Christ modeled and encouraged servant leadership, UC inspires and equips students to do the same through various ministries and outreach activities.

Campus Ministries
Campus Ministries endeavors to assist every follower of Christ to live out the Great Commission
Shoes for the Soul
Each year we assist hundreds of children by providing new shoes, socks and backpacks filled with school supplies.
Mountain Outreach
Mountain Outreach is dedicated to providing high quality, cost effective housing for families within our community.Jacob RatliffI love seeing God work in ways I never imagined. It's one of the greatest blessings I've experienced.
Campus Minister
Faith in Action
This publication focuses on our students and the ways they put their Faith in Action

Virtual Tour
At Cumberlands, our campus ministries students put their faith in action.
The Gatliff Memorial Chapel features Biblical themed stained glass windows.

Campus Ministries
Campus ministries staff members exhibit great passion to involce our students in their programs and worship

Jacob Ratliff
Jacob Ratliff
Contact Information

Skyler (Downs) Plementosh
Skyler (Downs) Plementosh
Contact Information

Rachel Lowder
Rachel Lowder
Contact Information
Campus Ministry Events
Join campus ministries for special outreach and worship events on campus.
The Cumberlands Connection
Read more about ministry work across campus