Safety and Security Information
At ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ, the safety and security of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. The university has developed policies and procedures to help provide a safe environment for both students and employees. In addition, Cumberlands has an ongoing partnership with the Williamsburg Police Department (WPD) to better ensure the safety of our campus community.
The Department of Safety and Security operates out of the Bock Information Dispatch Center, which maintains 24-hour hour coverage of the university’s switchboard and the Campus Emergency number, 4444. Several university buildings are monitored by security cameras. The university also has an emergency notification system to alert students of any imminent danger or situation. Additionally, the university has partnered with the Williamsburg Police Department to have an officer assigned to campus at all times. A WPD officer is responsible for patrolling campus 24-7.
To request a copy of the Daily Crime Log, please contact the Office of Operations via email operations [at] (operations[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu) or by calling 606-539-4236.
See Something? Say Something.
Guests and campus community members can access incident reporting forms below. Do not use this form if you have an immediate threat. Please call 911.
The Residence Halls are locked at all times. Students can gain access to the residence halls via their student ID. Fire drills are conducted each semester for all residence halls and severe weather instructions are posted in each hall. All residence halls are monitored by security cameras.
Student Services coordinates several seminars annually, including Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Prevention, Alcohol Abuse Prevention, etc. While these seminars are open for all students to attend, they are required of all entering freshmen enrolled in the freshmen orientation program. In addition, any student who violates the university alcohol policy must complete an online alcohol education seminar.
Safety/Security on campus requires the active support of the University community. Students should assume responsibility for the safety and security of their property by following the simple suggestions listed below:
- Keep room doors and windows locked
- Keep vehicle doors locked at all times
- Protect valuables
- Identify valuable property by keeping a list of serial numbers
- Avoid walking alone
- If you need help, draw attention to yourself
- Shouting for help is the first line of defense
- Let someone know your plans
- Ask yourself if you would be an easy target; if so, change your behavior
- Walk confidently- be aware of your surroundings
- Avoid shortcuts
- Report unusual situations to the Safety/Security Staff or Student Services
Emergency Calls | 911 |
Safety/Security Office | Ext. 4444 |
Bock Building (non-emergency) | Ext. 4000 |
Physical Plant | Ext. 4406 |
Student Services | Ext. 4230 |
Dr. Jamirae Holbrook | Ext. 4120 606-825-1218 |
Mr. Travis Wilson | Ext. 4236 606-524-1322 |
Williamsburg Police Department (Non-emergency) | 606-549-6038 |
Whitley County Sheriff's Office (Non-emergency) | 606-549-6006 |
Williamsburg Fire Department (Non-emergency) | 606-549-6037 |
Williamsburg Rescue Squad | 606-549-6069 |
Residence Hall Offices: | |
Archer | Ext. 5400 |
Asher | Ext. 5676 |
Cook | Ext. 5258 |
Gillespie | Ext. 5500 |
Harth | Ext. 5000 |
Hutton | Ext. 5600 |
Kleist | Ext. 5700 |
Mahan | Ext. 5320 |
Roburn | Ext. 5160 |
Robinson-Cook | Ext. 5258 |
Siler | Ext. 5100 |
Safety Resources
Emergency Notification System
Need An Account? Sign Up Now And Stay Connected!
The ½ûÂþÌìÌà e2Campus system enables administrators to send important campus information - including emergency notifications - to you via:
- Mobile Phone (via SMS)
- Web Page
- Text Pager
- Google, AOL or My Yahoo Page
Campus Crime and Fire Reports and Information
KRS 164.9481 Duty of postsecondary institution to maintain crime log -- Duty to report to campus community on crimes and threats to safety or security of students and employees.
1) Crime Log:
(a) Each postsecondary education institution shall make, keep, and maintain a daily log, written in a form approved by the Council on Postsecondary Education that can be easily understood, recording all crimes occurring on campus and reported to campus security authorities or local law enforcement agencies, including:
1. The category of crime, and a description of the incident, date, time, and general location of each crime; and
2. The disposition of the complaint if known, including referral for prosecution, institutional disciplinary proceedings, or investigation by another state agency. The disposition shall include a reference to an investigation or incident report number.
(b) All entries in the campus crime log shall be made available for public inspection within twenty-four (24) hours after the first report of an incident was made to any campus security authority or local law enforcement officials.
1. If there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the information would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection, would result in the destruction of evidence, or is prohibited from release by law, the information may be withheld until that damage is no longer likely to occur from the release of the information. Only the information that is absolutely necessary to withhold for the reasons stated in this paragraph may be withheld; all other information shall be released.
2. In the event information is withheld under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection, the crime shall still be reported and made available for public inspection.
(c) The campus crime log required by this section shall be readily accessible and open for public inspection at all times and shall be made available on campus computer networks to which students, employees, and other campus community members have access. Each semester the institution shall notify currently enrolled students, students applying to the institution, and employees of the availability of the campus crime log, where it can be accessed, and the exact electronic address on the computer network.
(2) Special reports: In addition to the campus crime log, each postsecondary education institution shall make timely reports to the campus community on crimes reported to campus security authorities or local law enforcement authorities determined by those authorities to present a safety or security threat to students or employees.
(a) The reports shall be made available to students and employees within twenty-four (24) hours after an incident N first reported.
(b) The information shall be reported in a manner that will aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.
(c) Institutions shall use computer networks and post the reports in each residential facility. The institution may also use flyers and other campus publications including newspapers, and other media.
(d) Each institution shall adopt a policy to comply with this requirement and the policy shall be included in the postsecondary education institutions annual campus safety and security report published in compliance with KRS 164.9485.
Effective: July 14, 2000
History: Created 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 190, sec. 2, effective July 14, 2000.
The Clery Act
Campus Security Policies
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, codified at 20 USC 1092 (f) as a part of the Higher Education Act of 1965, is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual information about campus crime and security policies. All public and private institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student aid programs are subject to it. Violators can be "fined" up to $25,000 by the U.S. Department of Education, the agency charged with enforcement of the Act and where complaints of alleged violations should be made, or face other enforcement action.
The Clery Act, originally enacted by the Congress and signed into law by President George Bush in 1990 as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, was championed by Howard & Connie Clery after their daughter Jeanne was murdered at Lehigh University in 1986. They also founded the non-profit Security On Campus, Inc. in 1987. Amendments to the Act in 1998 renamed it in memory of Jeanne Clery.
Annual Report
Schools have to publish an annual report every year by October 1st that contains 3 years worth of campus crime statistics and certain security policy statements including sexual assault policies which assure basic victims' rights, the law enforcement authority of campus police and where students should go to report crimes. The report is to be made available automatically to all current students and employees while prospective students and employees are to be notified of its existence and afforded an opportunity to request a copy. Schools can comply using the Internet so long as the required recipients are notified and provided the exact Internet address where the report can be found and paper copies are available upon request. A copy of the statistics must also be provided to the U.S. Department of Education.
Crime Statistics
Each school must disclose crime statistics for the campus, unobstructed public areas immediately adjacent to or running through the campus, and certain non-campus facilities including Greek housing and remote classrooms. The statistics must be gathered from campus police or security, local law enforcement, and other school officials who have "significant responsibility for student and campus activities" such as student judicial affairs directors. Professional mental health and religious counselors are exempt from reporting obligations, but may refer patients to a confidential reporting system which the school has to indicate whether or not it has.
Crimes are reported in the following 7 major categories, with several sub-categories: 1.) Criminal Homicide broken down by a.) Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter and b.) Negligent manslaughter; 2.) Sex Offenses broken down by a.) Forcible Sex Offenses (includes rape) and b.) Nonforcible Sex Offenses; 3.) Robbery; 4.) Aggravated Assault; 5.) Burglary; 6.) Motor Vehicle Theft; and 7.) Arson.
Schools are also required to report the following three types of incidents if they result in either an arrest or disciplinary referral: 1.) Liquor Law Violations; 2.) Drug Law Violations; and 3.) Illegal Weapons Possession. If both an arrest and referral are made only the arrest is counted.
The statistics are also broken down geographically into "on campus," "residential facilities for students on campus," noncampus buildings, or "on public property" such as streets and sidewalks. Schools can use a map to denote these areas. The report must also indicate if any of the reported incidents, or any other crime involving bodily injury, was a "hate crime."
Access To Timely Information
Schools are also required to provide "timely warnings" and a separate more extensive public crime log. It is these requirements which are most likely to affect the day to day lives of students. The timely warning requirement is somewhat subjective and is only triggered when the school considers a crime to pose an ongoing "threat to students and employees" while the log records all incidents reported to the campus police or security department.
Timely warnings cover a broader source of reports (campus police or security, other campus officials, and off-campus law enforcement) than the crime log but are limited to those crime categories required in the annual report. The crime log includes only incidents reported to the campus police or security department, but covers all crimes not just those required in the annual report, meaning crimes like theft are included in the log. State crime definitions may be used.
Schools that maintain a police or security department are required to disclose in the public crime log "any crime that occurred on campus…or within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or the campus security department and is reported to the campus police or security department." The log is required to include the "nature, date, time, and general location of each crime" as well as its disposition if known. Incidents are to be included within two business days but certain limited information may be withheld to protect victim confidentiality, ensure the integrity of ongoing investigations, or to keep a suspect from fleeing. Only the most limited information necessary may be withheld and even then it must be released "once the adverse effect…is no longer likely to occur."
The log must be publicly available during normal business hours. This means that in addition to students and employees the general public such as parents or members of the local press may access it. Logs remain open for 60 days and subsequently must be available within 2 business days of a request.
Title IX
When you become aware of or experience an alleged act of sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sexual violence, sexual assault, or stalking, report the matter to Title IX Coordinator immediately.
The University will take appropriate steps to eliminate illegal discrimination or sexual misconduct. For more information regarding Title IX, reporting, confidentiality, and investigation processes, please refer to the student handbook.
Title IX Resources
UC Safety Information
If you are in immediate danger or would like to report directly to the police, call 911
UC Campus Safety, call 606-539-4444
UC Counseling Center, call 606-539-3566
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255)
Title IX Training
The University offers a variety of training opportunities to the campus community. Employees of the University complete Title IX training through the learning platform Everfi. Incoming students complete Title IX training through the learning platform MyStudentBody.
Members of the Title IX Compliance Team haveÌýcompleted the following training:
- August 2022
- The Title IX team at the University completed a group training presented by Hush Blackwell LLP related to regulations, investigations, and hearings. The related training materials may be accessed through .
- The Title IX team at the University completed a group training presented by Hush Blackwell LLP related to regulations, investigations, and hearings. The related training materials may be accessed through .
- August 2, 2021
- The Title IX team at the University completed a group training sponsored by ATIXA. For more information about ATIXA training materials, please visit,
- July, 2020
- The following completed trainings were hosted by ATIXIA (). Their training materials are copyrighted and are available by contacting ATIXA directly at (610) 644-7858.
- Investigator Level I, Investigator Level II, Hearing Officer/Decision Maker, OCR Title IX Regulations, and Title IX Coordinator Level I
- The following completed trainings were hosted by ATIXIA (). Their training materials are copyrighted and are available by contacting ATIXA directly at (610) 644-7858.
For questions regarding University training efforts, please contact:
Dr. Quentin Young
Chief Financial Officer and Title IX Coordinator
Gatliff Administrative Building, Office 224
(606) 539-4597 |Ìýquentin.young [at] (quentin[dot]young[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu)
Dr. Jamirae Holbrook Ìý
Vice President for Student Services and Deputy Title IX Coordinator Ìý
Boswell Campus CenterÌý
(606) 539-4120; jamirae.holbrook [at] (jamirae[dot]holbrook[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu)